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Maine Dairy & Nutrition Council

Nutrition from your neighbor's farm to your family's table

Maine Dairy & Nutrition Council

Nutrition from your neighbor's farm to your family's table

Wind Gate Farm – Headstrong & Steadfast

Wind Gate Farm did not get its names for gentle breezes that rustle the maple leaves and set the pasture grasses to swaying. It’s named for the ferocious gusts that will rattle the roof tin until you wonder if it will still be there by morning and cut through you like a blade of ice … Continued

Being Her Own Best Man

Sonja Ginn is the dairy farmer on Willow Drive Farm in Winterport. The whole family pitches in when they can. Her son Ben will be the one to probably take over the farm when the day comes. He also works with his father Dale as a logger Monday-Friday, rushing to the farm as soon as … Continued

Yankee Ingenuity at Work on Highland Farms

In 1953, Jennifer Kimball and Johanna Chapman’s great-grandfather Robert Pike thought, “There has got to be a better way to milk cows.” The process involved bending over to clean and prep the cow’s udder before attaching a milking unit to each cow as she stood in her stanchions. They were only able to milk a … Continued

Twin Brook is 2015 Green Pastures Award Winner

Brothers Aaron and Adam own and operate Twin Brook Dairy, the 2015 Green Pasture Award Winner. Even before they took over full ownership of the family’s dairy farm, Twin Brook Dairy in West Minot, in 2010, brothers Aaron and Adam Trundy had made cow comfort a top priority. “The more comfortable they are, the better … Continued

An Office With a View

Dairy farming is not a money-making endeavor. People stick with it because of the lifestyle it offers, because they have a family history, would much rather work out in a field or with a barnful of obstinate cows than being tied down to a desk. Although there’s a fair amount of desk time with the … Continued

Making Dinner for 200 – Cows, That is

While we all know that milk is an important part of our nutritional health, you might not be aware of all the work and science that goes into ensuring dairy cows have the proper nutrition to produce that delicious, healthy milk. I have had several opportunities, through my job with the Maine Dairy & Nutrition … Continued

What People Have to Say

Maine Dairy and Nutrition Council works with schools across the state, offering grants each year for needed school nutrition equipment.

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