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Cow Comfort in Cold Weather

  Hopefully you’ve been able to weather this arctic blast inside with your feet warming by the fire. If you’re a dairy cow in Maine, well, you probably stayed warmer than the farmers taking care of you. I checked in with Laura Chase of Chase’s Organic Dairy Farm up north in Mapleton this morning, and … Continued

Keeping Cows Cool in The Summer Heat

Dairy farmer Betsy Bullard with veterinarians Meghan Flanagan and Jana Zwetsloot of Annabessacook Veterinary Clinic during their weekly visit at Brigeen Farms in Turner. If a cow could speak, a dairy farmer would probably ask her 20 questions a day, at least, like: How are you today? Feeling all right? Can I get you anything? … Continued

Playing Favorites? Maybe Just a Little.

Bella’s not a super friendly cow. Her normal expression is something akin to a scowl. She’s still one of Carrie Whitcomb’s favorites of her family’s herd of 300 Jersey and Guernsey dairy cows in Waldo, Maine. “She’s been around forever and knows what to do,” Carrie said of the 12-year-old Jersey. “When we are putting … Continued

Making Dinner for 200 – Cows, That is

While we all know that milk is an important part of our nutritional health, you might not be aware of all the work and science that goes into ensuring dairy cows have the proper nutrition to produce that delicious, healthy milk. I have had several opportunities, through my job with the Maine Dairy & Nutrition … Continued

What People Have to Say

Maine Dairy and Nutrition Council works with schools across the state, offering grants each year for needed school nutrition equipment.

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Milk Splash

Maine Dairy

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